Semipermanent VIP tickets

Look at this! Semipermanent has rolled around again for Sydney in 2012. You better be quick to pick up your tickets, don’t forget that AGDA members get treated to a discount, meaning you really have no excuse to attend.

Today saw the arrival of my tickets and my pack card. Unlike last years and the other times I have attended I have gone for the VIP ticket option (justifying to myself that with early bird and AGDA discount it is roughly the same price as a general entry ticket after the early bird pricing ends) so you can expect to see a write up of the extra stuff you get once I have my hands on it at the conference.

Hope to see you all there, as it really is one of the best* design conferences to go to. This year is sizing up to be just as good as any with a few speakers I am really looking forward to seeing.

Tickets can be purchased through the Semipermanent website.

* my opinion may not reflect that of Semi-Permanent, AGDA, graphic designers in general or the cool kids that sit up the back of the bus.

Semi Permanent VIP Ticket Pack